"Neptune's Fields"; one of the best Swedish music works of this century Camilla Lundberg, Opus

The Iceland Symphony Orchestra, conductor Martyn Brabbins rehearsing Neptune's Fields in the stunning concert hall Harpa, Reykjavik 2011
Program Note
"Neptune's field is our name for a place 1/8 of a mile from Torp, on the seashore, one gunshot wide, a few gunshots long."
- From Linnaeus's Öland Journey 1741.
Arpeggiation on harmonics are organized in big waves and create an amazing acoustic phenomena. They are transparent, they have rhythmic energy and are remarkable to hear. And for the eye: choreography. Time after time we see the dance like bowing movements as they spread from the cello section to the violins.
Neptune's Field is an expression of my artistic statement: "Rhythm and Sound". Commissioned by Konserthuset in Stockholm. Premiered by Kungl. Filharmonikerna led by Tomas Netopil 2006. Awarded the big Christ Johnson prize 2007.

Rehearsal before the premiere with Kungl. Filharmonikerna and cond. Tomás Netopil

Laura Stephens, Henrik Strindberg and Tomás Netopil, Konserthuset, Stockholm 2006

GöteborgsOperans Orkester, dir. David Björkman rehearsing Neptune's Fields 2009

Neptune's Fields, northern Öland

Sketch of the waves of arpeggiation
English Title
Neptune's Field
Orchestra 3333 433tu ti 3perc cel harp str
Kungliga Filharmonikerna and Mats Engstrõm
Stockholms Konserthus
First Performance
Kungliga Filharmonikerna, Tomás Netopil, 1/11 2006, Stockholm.
Other Performances
- GöteborgsOperans Orkester, David Björkman, Göteborgs Konserthus under "I Speak Music-festivalen" 8/8 2009
- Iceland Symphony Orchestra, Martyn Brabbins, 6/10 2011, Nordic Music Days, Reykjavik
- Kungl. Filharmonikerna dir. Petter Sundkvist, 16/8 2012
- Kungl. Filharmonikerna, dir. Sakari Oramo, Uppsala and Stockholm, Jan 2016
Awarded the big Christ Johnson Prize 2007