O Freunde, let others speak

The whole orchestra sound shakes - - - a power that alarms, raising rising signals from shrill trumpets that seem to want to bring everything in their way Martin Nyström, Dagens Nyheter
En bild av skrivbordet under arbetet med O Freunde, let others speak
A photo of the desk during the work with O Freunde, Let Others Speak
Program Note

The title is the motto that Kent Nagano gave for this commission, obviously an allusion on the Beethoven 9th Symphony. It can also be read as a message that describes what's going on now, as we learn the names of squares in cities where people gather to express themselves, the Tahrir, the Taksim and the Maidan squares. I visited one of them while composing this piece. The music begins with the trembling intonation of a sound and ends with a signal, a perfect fifth, pointing towards the stunning opening of the Beethoven 9th.

HS 2013

2222 42tpt timp pno str
Helena Wessman, Kent Nagano and Göteborgs Symfoniker
Göteborgs Symfoniker
First Performance
Göteborgs Symfoniker, cond. Kent Nagano, 2013-10-04
Other Performances

Tongyeong, Sydkorea 2016

Stort tack till Konstnärsnämnden som stödde min medverkan under repetitioner och framförandet i Sydkorea 2016!


Big thanks to the Swedish Arts Grants Committee for supporting my participation at the South Korean performance 2016!
