Program Note
For a long time I have avoided multiphonics. I have not needed theses sometimes loud and expressive sounds. But this piece is based on multiphonics. Together with the Stockholm Saxophone Quartet we have searched for the kind of multiphonics that I want for this piece. Subtle ones. To be able to sustain them we stated with two tenors and two altos but now we have two tenors, one baryton and one alto. The two tenor saxophones make up the horizontal line of the piece. The baryton and the alto are adding other shades and details to that sounding picture.
This piece was commissioned by the Stockholm Saxophone Quartet with funding from the Swedish Arts Council and was premiered during the Dark Music Days festival in Reykjavik 2014.
Saxophone quartet
First Performance
Dark Music Days, Reykjavik, 2014-02-02
Other Performances
- FST Anniversary, Stockholm Saxophone Quartet, Stockholm 2018-11-29
- Svensk Musikvår, 4Saxess, Stockholm 2023-03-26